How to Find More Quality Leads with Lead Ads

Lead ads can help property and real estate businesses find new prospective buyers and collect contact information to start direct conversions.

Meta recently added three brand-new tools in Meta Ads Manager to further assist businesses find higher-quality leads and new customers.


  1. CRM integration

    Connect your CRM (customer relationship management) software to help AI show your ads to the most relevant audience.

  2. Conditional logic

    By adding dynamic questions to instant forms, you can filter out people who are unlikely to become customers, increasing your quality leads.

  3. Instant form add-on

    Create a form that will appear on your website, so that leads can both interact with your site and provide their information.


Best Practices for Lead Ads

Use these tips to build the most effective lead ads with instant forms.


Give your leads an intro

As you are building your instant form, make sure that you use the Intro section. You can use it to communicate more information about your business and what people can expect when they submit your form.


Ask three or fewer questions

Advertisers using lead ads who asked three or fewer questions in lead forms had a 26% lower cost per lead against comparable advertisers who asked more than three questions.


Use a single field for a full name

Advertisers using lead ads who used a single field for a full name in their lead forms had a 14% lower cost per lead against comparable advertisers using separate fields for first names and surnames.


Qualify your leads by testing conditional logic

By adding dynamic questions to instant forms, you can filter out people who are unlikely to become customers, increasing your quality leads.


Ask for either an email address or phone number

Advertisers using lead ads who only asked for an email address or phone number in their lead forms had a 26% and 18% lower cost per lead, respectively, against comparable advertisers asking for both an email address and phone number.


Access your leads and follow up straight away

Act quickly and access them in the Leads Centre to easily organise and download your contacts in one place. You can also sync new leads with your  CRM.


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